Career Aids

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How does the future job market look like and where is my place in it?

A good flight school makes the difference between dreaming about flying and actually making it happen.

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There are many publications outlining the training path and qualifications required to become a pilot. What BALPA felt was missing was the inside story – what does it really take, what are the problems and challenges, and what are the pitfalls to avoid along the way.

Info guide for Dutch speaking pilots on the basics & the hurdles of becoming a pilot

Hier können Sie sich die Infobroschüre ``Pilot werden`` herunter laden. Sie enthält detaillierte Informationen über das Berufsbild des Piloten und seine Anforderungen.

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Austrian Cockpit Association provides key information on becoming a pilot & references to approved schools.

Choosing the best flight school checklist by the Austrian Cockpit Association

Hier können Sie sich die Infobroschüre ``Berufswunsch: Pilotin`` der Arbeitsgruppe Pilotinnen herunter laden.

Even to this day it is still uncommon to hear this announcement on board of an aircraft coming from a female pilot. This should change

Pregnancy, maternity & parental leave in Germany