In the past, several banks offered loans for professional development to young pilots. These were mostly aimed at students following the Integrated Route to ATPL. After the financial crisis of 2007, most banks stopped such loans. Today, in most European countries, such offers no longer exist.
In some countries (e.g. Spain) the schools themselves offer sometimes forms of financing. In others (e.g. Norway) there are state financed flight schools, which are known to be extremely selective and enrol every year a limited number of pilots (e.g. Switzerland). The majority of the aspiring pilots have to finance their training privately as self-sponsored pilots.
Partial exceptions can be found for a limited amount of MPL courses, for which airlines may offer loans to be repaid with deductions from the first salaries.
Repaying pilot training loans means monthly payments ranging from several hundred up to €1200 depending on the amount and the credit profile.
To take an informed decision it is therefore important to take into account the following factors: